It is company policy to use our clients’ own Person Specifications
as the template for selection criteria. Where there are no pre-existing
formulae, we are happy to jointly develop a package that will fulfil customer
Performance Capability Methodology
Prior to the selection of candidates, the company produces a framework assessment document or matrix
tailored to meet the requirements of the job. In this way, the company ensures that only capable applicants progress to employment.
Fair and Equal Recruitment
Rightmann Services is a responsible employer and
ensures that any employee or person seeking employment will not be discriminated against either directly or indirectly, on
the grounds of age, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, disability, marital status, colour or race.
Equal Pay and Conditions
The Equal Pay Act (1970 & 1983)
We understand that a right to equal pay between men and
women is a fundamental principle of European Community Law and as part of our commitment towards this, we regularly examine
our existing and future pay practices for all of our employees. All of our
staff pay rates are at least fully compliant with the legislation and the minimum wage. All Rightmann workers are
on pay rates above this minimum.